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Tolley Carr....Working in Charlotte..on Fox NewsRising


Posted 12:18 pm, 12/29/2009

I agree Pixel, his "punishment" has ended. But each of us individually can decide for ourselves how we feel about it, and how we react to him.

Taken strictly as a business proposition...leaving the personal part of it aside...is someone who behaved this way AT THEIR LAST JOB, a good candidate for a very public position? Were I a potential employer, there would seem to be me a greater risk of his bringing shame and embarrassment to my station than, say, the next resume' in the stack. Reason enough to look elsewhere.

There's a very good saying that I think applies..."Past is prologue".


Posted 12:13 pm, 12/29/2009

A lot of people seem to think Tolly is a happy man.

I would not be so quick to judge how he feels.

He has paid the price that society laid on him,
so he should be left alone until there is a reason to
do otherwise.

Society can either accept the laws and punishments
which are on the books, or they can push to get them

The death of the young man was (and remains) a horrible
thing, but people... this ship has sailed.


Posted 12:13 pm, 12/29/2009

Notice that each time XM Star "quotes me" he neglects the words "all conservatives WHO...."

They were IN My original sentence.

I know, I'm beating a dead horse. But I'm tired of being challenged on things I NEITHER SAID, NOT MEANT just to start an argument...or as an excuse to attack me. No one should put up with it. It's not left vs. right, it's right vs. wrong. You're behaving like a child. And so am I, by the way, dignifying you with an answer. Enough of both.


Posted 12:09 pm, 12/29/2009

By the way..."Shame on all the conservatives WHO...." is enough to let you know that qualifications are coming. Anyone who understands basic sentence-structure knows that what comes after "who" is the qualifier. There is simply no other way it can be taken...IN ENGLISH!


Posted 12:07 pm, 12/29/2009

"All conservatives means all conservatives".

Really, XM Star? Then the following two sentences have the same meaning.

1)-All Conservatives who don't eat meat and kill their neighbors are murdering vegetarians.

2)- All Conservatives are murdering vegetarians.

By your logic, these two sentences mean the same thing. Of course XM Star, your logic...isn't (logical).


Posted 11:44 am, 12/29/2009

Mtnbiker You should be a journalist. I'm always impressed with your knowledge and ability to get things said.

XM Star

Posted 11:06 am, 12/29/2009

No, unapologetically all conservatives means all conservatives. How about shame on the people who? And try not to deflect from the fact you attacked got the same in return and pouted. It was the whole point to again reveal your "huge" hypocrisy.


Posted 10:50 am, 12/29/2009

radio, i respect that


Posted 10:44 am, 12/29/2009

Aray, you're right. "Shame on all" (minus the word "conservatives") WOULD have covered it, and should. If I could go back and do it again, that's what I would write. Point taken.


Posted 10:43 am, 12/29/2009

I wouldn't object to his eventually being back on-air. But if he's really a valuable employee, he knows how to do other things...like edit tape. Or write copy. Start him there.

Admittedly, as a liberal, I look for transgressions by Fox. But this one doesn't require much effort. I would have said the same thing no matter who hired him.

I wonder if there's enough signal overlap (all up and down I-85, for instance) between Charlotte and Triad markets that this will become a problem. Wilkes County is officially a part of the Greensboro market (for ratings), but everyone with an antenna also watches Charlotte stations. Of course, if he's just temporary fill-in help, then it won't make much difference in the long run. I wonder if they're not giving him a trial run to guage public reaction.

On a purely professional note...the guy's got "chops". He's talented, well spoken, and comes across as very likable on-air.


Posted 10:42 am, 12/29/2009

Would not �Shame on all � have covered it and left �conservatives � off?


Posted 10:37 am, 12/29/2009

Having reading comprehension issues, XM Star? You took only part of the sentence, OUT OF CONTEXT. Obviously you knew that IN context, including the entire sentence, you have no leg to stand on, because I clearly DID NOT include "all conservative"...only "all conservatives" mentioned in the remainder of the sentence!

"Shame on all the conservatives who, in other threads, have insisted that basically nobody should ever be released from prison for anything...and those who have railed about "personal responsibility'. , yet now think this is just fine and dandy."

It says "shame on all the conservatives WHO..." and then continues with the qualifier...CLEARLY STATING that I meant ONLY the ones who had done those things. If you haven't, then it doesn't refer to you. No person who reads above a sixth-grade level could have missed that. Try again!


Posted 10:32 am, 12/29/2009

It's business.

Trained, telegenic, smart, and probably going to be a loyal employee seeing as that station gave him a chance.

Maybe viewers will protest as Stress suggested earlier in the thread. I think the Charlotte market is just far enough away from the Triad where it won't matter.


Posted 10:27 am, 12/29/2009

i agree that tolly should not, have been able to move to the front of the line for hire, but he could have been real cheap,i am a conservative and i think if you have paid the price, you should have a secound chance in life,but in this case it seems tolly's price was lite,


Posted 10:24 am, 12/29/2009

First , I am a covservative and believe he has not done enough time yet, but what is enough? No matter how much he does, someone is still dead.
As for the "all the conservatives " post above. "All the conservatives" as used in that sentence does not mean "all conservatives." It is some what comical how every post becomes a political one. If ABC had hired him, the same people with an opinion on here would post exactly opposite of how they posted in this instance just to try and prove their political point of view be it liberal or conservative.

XM Star

Posted 10:07 am, 12/29/2009

It shouldn't be that easy to get back to his life after having ended a life due to his own negligence. Shame on all the conservatives who, in other threads, have insisted that basically nobody should ever be released from prison for anything...and those who have railed about "personal responsibility'. , yet now think this is just fine and dandy.

Note above the wording "all the conservatives"


Posted 9:38 am, 12/29/2009

If you'll reread, I DID NOT attack "conservatives as a whole" I never do. My best friend in the world is a conservative. I attacked conservatives who have written posts about "throwing away the key" to most everyone else in prison, but now rush to the defense of a guy with blood on his hands. Reread what I said. I DID NOT attack "conservatives as a whole". And I attacked Fox which, runs the most Conservative news network, but the most LIBERAL entertainment work. They are, in my opinion, completely amoral. NOTHING but money matters.

Those were my targets. "Conservatives as a whole" are, in my estimation, no more, or less moral, than anyone else. They simply see the world differently.

I try to use language very precisely. Please point out when I've failed...but make sure I actually have (falied).

XM Star

Posted 9:33 am, 12/29/2009

Nope imposing on conservatives as a whole and attacking groups is worse. As you did but we see it.


Posted 9:30 am, 12/29/2009

WHICH BROADCASTING COMPANY was willing to quickly (he was releast from prison in May) put a man who KILLED another by his own negligence back on the air is VERY relevant.

If you don't see a question of morality in THIS, then don't ever lecture about morality in any other matter!

Drunk OUT OF HIS MIND, he chose to drive...putting his convenience above the safety of others...and KILLED AN INNOCENT PERSON! How "sorry" he is, and how he's "accepted responsiblity" MAKE NO DIFFERENCE (to me).

In this economy , with so many highly qualified people out of work, should a person with HIS RECORD really move to the front of the pack?

Comments about my physique haven't a **** thing to do with it. Nothing is lower than turning everything into a personal attack. Truly the work of a small mind. Alright...maybe hiring Tolly Carr to be ON AIR in North Carolina is lower.

XM Star

Posted 9:20 am, 12/29/2009

How ignorant is Radio Giant to think we aren't smart enough to see his blanketing of conservatives labeled with the Fox name. How he super imposes that for lack of inability as he always does of not knowing he is as trasparent as the jelly fish he is shaped like.

Honest to GOD look at his profile pic and tell me he isn't a great candidate for a sponge bob character.

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