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Tolley Carr....Working in Charlotte..on Fox NewsRising

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 3:11 pm, 12/28/2009

I have the right to speak my mind as does everyone else....


Posted 3:08 pm, 12/28/2009

The deceased family have faorgave Mr. Carr so what right do you have to still stomp him. If time has not healed or his drinking problem corrected then lambast him. If you think you have that right.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 3:03 pm, 12/28/2009

I wonder how much crap Fox will take before they ditch him????


Posted 3:02 pm, 12/28/2009

LOL Stress, I just clicked on the first link that came up in my search ... before that I was just repeating what I remembered from press reports way back then .... still can't believe it was 97, wow, I feel old(er)

That section in lower West End / Cloverdale section where Carr hit Bokhoven is odd in the way the streets intersect and also the steps & sidewalk configuration there is unusual. Seems like Bokhoven was on the sidewalk (I'm not certain) but there was construction going on and sections (perhaps the whole street) were barricaded off. Carr did jump the curb and heavily damaged at least 2 sets of steps that came down to the sidewalk. He did go around barricades to even be on the street.

Carr was clearly drunk. He clearly was driving recklessly. The horror of Bokhoven's death is indisputable. Bokhoven did nothing to contribute to his being hit.

Still, no amount of punishment in the world can bring the man back. So we start from an imperfect premise here if you will: justice is not possible. What punishment is "enough"?

Ronnie Dobbs

Posted 3:00 pm, 12/28/2009

hate all that shizz went down but im glad Tolly is back on camera. He was such a good local tv guy.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 2:53 pm, 12/28/2009

MntBiker --You hear it here frist... I was wrong on that account....I guess it was the part that he was not legally drunk....I knew you could find the artical. I just wish it had not been the New York Times.. LOL.


Posted 2:52 pm, 12/28/2009

No, if you were in jail, someone would have probably stomped your **** and you would be pushing up daisies. I am not going to entertain this thread anymore, have better things to do with my life than try to live someone else's, you should do the same.

[email protected]

Posted 2:52 pm, 12/28/2009

Stressrelif, you couldn't be more wrong all the way around. If your talking about the instance I'm thinking of at Wake, the driver had 4 previous convictions for DWI. And the guy Tolly hit was not sitting on his steps at home, it was a business area. You seem to just be making stuff up to argue. Don't know how you get your thinking, but being black does NOT help your chances during sentencing.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 2:49 pm, 12/28/2009

Thanks I need to read that.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 2:48 pm, 12/28/2009

Snowbunni-if my yard had his trash in it I would still be in jail....Someone else would be cleaning it....


Posted 2:48 pm, 12/28/2009

my memory is worse that I realized .... it was 1997 Stress, here's the link

btw, the driver in that other case did have 2 prior DUI convictions and 1 pending



Posted 2:46 pm, 12/28/2009

Alot of you act like it is his fault that he is out of prison..NOT....that is the justice system for you. At least when he got out, he didn't depend on the State to keep his **** up. He got out found a job and is making a living. Before you start juding others, you need to clean out your own backyard before you move into someone else's.


Posted 2:45 pm, 12/28/2009

I'm not at all sure what you mean by your question Peridot ... consider this though:

when someone dies I'm not sure there IS such a thing as justice,
the best we can hope for is to minimize the amount of "injustice".

really don't mean that as a flip remark, death can't be undone so how can there truly be justice

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 2:45 pm, 12/28/2009

SS another man will die in prison for the same crime.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 2:44 pm, 12/28/2009

MntBiker that is the one Im talking about.You are better by far than me on this computer. I remember well that it was his frist DUI charge.Because I remember thinking he would hve been better off if he had just shot someone to death.


Posted 2:42 pm, 12/28/2009

No..I'm not joking I am serious as a heart attach...where's the justice..

sassy senior

Posted 2:41 pm, 12/28/2009

what would you have him do, lay down and die?


Posted 2:40 pm, 12/28/2009

Are you talking about the driver who hit the students on Silas Creek Parkway a couple of years ago? There was a case where Tom Keith (Forsyth DA, recently retired) was the first to file murder charges based on drunk driving. If this is the one you mean I'm thinking the driver was a repeat offender. At any rate I stand by my original statement that on average, in this state, for offenders with a previously clean record his sentence was not light.

Either way, there were a ton of stories prior to Carr's sentencing and a lot of speculation about whether his celebrity would help or hurt. I remember being surprised he got as much time as he did.

As far as a judge being brought in from another district that's far from improper. It's just to lessen the likelihood that a judge will allow public opinion to sway his conduct because he is worried about running for reelection.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 2:40 pm, 12/28/2009

You are welcome if you arent joking. People need to wake up to what going on in this country. If they dont it will be to late soon.


Posted 2:37 pm, 12/28/2009

stressrelief 28.5 Thanks for your comments..they make alot of since..where's the justice ? .."an I for and I a tooth for a tooth..".." what's good for the goose is good for the gander..."

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