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Trump decries immigrants from '****hole countries' coming to US


Posted 12:03 pm, 01/12/2018

The UN human rights spokesman, Rupert Colville, told a Geneva news briefing: “There is no other word one can use but racist. You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as ‘****holes’, whose entire populations, who are not white, are therefore not welcome.”

Mexico’s former president, Vicente Fox, who has been an outspoken critic of Trump, said in a colourful tweet that “America’s greatness was built on diversity”.

He added Trump’s mouth was “the foulest ****hole in the world.

With what authority do you announce who is welcome in America and who is not? America’s greatness is based on diversity, or have you forgotten your migration background, Donald?”


Posted 12:01 pm, 01/12/2018

Foreign leaders also weighed in, with some calling the president's words "racist."

“The government of Botswana is wondering why President Trump must use this descriptor and derogatory word, when talking about countries with whom the U.S. has had cordial and mutually beneficial bilateral relations for so many years,” Botswana said.

The Haitian government said in a statement that Trump’s remarks reflect a “racist view of the Haitian community” and that “these insulting and reprehensible statements in no way reflect the virtues of wisdom, restraint and discernment that must be cultivated by any high political authority.”

“Given the historical reality of how many Africans arrived in the United States as slaves, this statement flies in the face of all accepted behavior and practice,” African Union spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo told The Associated Press.


Posted 12:01 pm, 01/12/2018

7 hours ago
so is trump lying??
11 hours ago
i agree with Trump 100%
Mr Truth .
12 hours ago
No one is accusing Trump of lying .
13 hours ago
Trump will do great!
5 hours ago
Trump said what most of us are thinking anyways.. and I agree with Trump..
Ryan Davisson
12 hours ago
I love Trump !!! Trump 2020 !
Sa****div>12 hours ago
Excuse me but if you ask the people that actually live in these countries.... 98% of them would agree with Trump ! Trump wins again!
11 hours ago
Trump never claimed to be a politician, he just tells it like he thinks.
TRUMP 2020!!!


Posted 11:49 am, 01/12/2018

He was right


Posted 11:40 am, 01/12/2018

Was he referring to an entire country? A poor country at that and calling it a ****hole?


Posted 11:37 am, 01/12/2018

He wasn't calling anyone an Ahole..

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 11:32 am, 01/12/2018

As far as being crude, how come none of the liberals got upset when Crazy Joe Biden said "this is a big f''king deal"? You all thought that was funny.


Posted 11:16 am, 01/12/2018

a President that has a fake pleasant personality and bows to our enemies, weakens our country. and hurts our citizens with poor policies.

That sounds like a Kenyan I know...


Posted 11:11 am, 01/12/2018

We have many fine Americans who have come from the countries trump chooses to bad mouth. No one can choose the country of their birth.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 11:05 am, 01/12/2018

There is nothing delusional about the tax savings to the middle class, the corporate tax cuts that have resulted in lower unemployment and higher wages, the 860 unnecessary job killing regulations that have disappeared the past year, the meeting between the North and South Koreans which only occurred due to Trumps actions (according to the South Koreans), and the new supreme court justice and other federal judges nominated by Trump that rule based upon law and not upon political beliefs. The left has no way to beat this kind of record so the only option the have is attack Trump character.



Posted 10:56 am, 01/12/2018

I do not blame him, somebody needs to stop it, it is the one thing that can not be fixed in my life time that has destroyed this country,

drugs, taxes, dirty politics, healthcare, education, all these things can be fixed fairly easy, the one thing that has changed the face of America that will be very hard and very expensive that has did the most damage is these people pouring into this country from our south,


Posted 10:53 am, 01/12/2018

leave out the "crass, rude and crude " part. .A good president doesn't need or want to speak crap.


Posted 10:49 am, 01/12/2018

We have had presidents like that but today we don't.


Posted 10:49 am, 01/12/2018

I forgot to add that he is also delusional.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 10:48 am, 01/12/2018

I would rather have a "crass, crude, and rude" President that implements policies that are favorable to and improves the lives of Americans and provides a strong country that doesn't back down to dictators like Kim Jong-Un than have a President that has a fake pleasant personality and bows to our enemies, weakens our country. and hurts our citizens with poor policies.

In this world results matter.


Posted 10:34 am, 01/12/2018

Oh all these posts are about respect?..... With all these fine examples on this site.... how did I miss that?


Posted 10:30 am, 01/12/2018

Well it is a good thing President Obama was never so crass, crude, or rude.


Posted 10:28 am, 01/12/2018

Honest people have good hearts and a desire for our country to get back the respect we had before trump.

Fuss at me all day about that,or ignore, I don't care !


Posted 10:11 am, 01/12/2018

And in that dreamworld I would also be telling the "Right" Hush if you don't know what you are talking about.....


Posted 10:02 am, 01/12/2018

And the right wouldn't be going nuts had it been President Obama? HA!!! Dreamworld.

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