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Trump decries immigrants from '****hole countries' coming to US

this n that

Posted 6:00 pm, 01/12/2018

Scott Adams

Sometimes things are literally impossible. But much of the time we are only limited by our imaginations. Many of us simply couldn’t imagine that a number of the things President Trump has done would work out well. These were not simple surprises; these were failures of our imagination.

In 2015 I told you that candidate Trump would change far more than politics. I said he would change how we understand reality itself. And one of those biggest changes is in the scope of our imaginations. One year ago it was hard for me to imagine Saudi Arabia taking a sudden turn toward modernization. One year ago it was hard for me to imagine an uprising in Iran that could reshape its destiny. I assume it was hard for the Iranian public to imagine it as well. But they sure are imagining it now.

President Trump isn’t the only variable in the world. But he does create a pattern in our minds of making the impossible seem achievable. Don’t underestimate the impact that pattern has on the imaginations of everyone watching.

And don’t be surprised if 2018 is the year when people all over the world shed their mental prisons and take on the “impossibles” in ways we have never seen. Thanks to President Trump, people everywhere are beginning to recognize the difference between real impossibilities and simple failures of imagination.

this n that

Posted 5:54 pm, 01/12/2018

Scott Adams

How President Trump Changed Your Imagination

Do you remember when candidate Trump told us (in effect) that he would be the first non-politician to win the presidency? It seemed impossible to even imagine such a thing. Then he did the impossible.

Do you remember when it was common wisdom that if the U.S. recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel it would be a huge problem? President Trump did it anyway. So far, it looks like a minor problem at most.

Do you remember when experts said President Trump shouldn’t mess with the Iran nuclear deal because it could cause a huge problem for the United States and its allies? He did it anyway, and it is likely a supporting variable for the Iranian protestors who don’t like how their government is creating problems that don’t need to be problems.

Do you remember when experts said China will never help squeeze the economy of North Korea because China fears a refugee crisis? President Trump encouraged China to squeeze anyway. Then he helpfully provided satellite photos of tankers cheating on the high seas. After South Korea grabbed and held a second cheating tanker, the economics of smuggling oil have turned negative, or will soon. And North Korea is sounding �" at least to my ears �" more flexible than ever.

That branch is stronger than you imagined.

Do you remember when it was common wisdom that we couldn’t put enough pressure on Pakistan to make them stop harboring terrorists because Pakistan is also an ally in many ways? President Trump just cut off their funding and put them on notice.

Do you remember when experts said withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord would be a catastrophe? President Trump did it anyway because he didn’t like the deal. I’ve seen no indication that exiting the deal made the climate worse. Here I’m only talking about the quality of the Accord and what little impact it would have had in the best case scenario.

The big wildcard in our many “impossibles” has to do with the tax bill and the deficit. Experts say it is impossible to get enough growth from the tax bill to pay for the deficit. But the experts are blind to the persuasion of it all. If President Trump persuades the economy higher, let’s say to 5-6% GDP, there’s a good chance he will accomplish the impossible once again and pay for those tax cuts. The tax cuts alone won’t get us to that GDP, but as part of a larger package of persuasion-by-optimism, it is strong sauce.

The meta-impact of President Trump routinely doing the “impossible” is that it changes how all of us view our world. If Trump can keep doing the impossible, time and time again, why can’t we?

Sometimes things are literally impossible. But much of the time we are only limited by our imaginations. Many of us simply couldn’t imagine that a number of the things President Trump has done would work out well. These were not simple surprises; these were failures of our imagination.


Posted 5:50 pm, 01/12/2018

Wasn't allthingshillary's brother involved in one of the family slush fund scandals in Haiti ?

Your ignorance is astonishing! (CONNIE and TnT!)

Let me see if I can get on a third grade level for a second with you.

1. The title of this is Trump decries immigrants from '****hole countries' coming to US

2. In case you missed it Hillary nor her brother are the president of the U.S.

3. So to sum it up if you would like to start a new topic with your fake news **** about Hilary or her brother by all means please do so.

this n that

Posted 5:45 pm, 01/12/2018

Scott Adams

President Trump Earns the Highest Presidential Approval Level of All Time

The Small Business Optimism Index hit an all-time high. That’s the new Presidential Approval Poll.

this n that

Posted 5:39 pm, 01/12/2018

I forgot to tell you that's Scott Adams words.

this n that

Posted 5:38 pm, 01/12/2018

Big businesses can do fine with a president who promotes policies that favor big corporations, even if the rest of the country is suffering. But when small business owners are feeling good about the economy, that means the president is doing a more bottoms-up job of getting things right. President Trump has focused on bottoms-up economics from the start, meaning jobs and lessened regulations. Apparently that is working.

I have been telling you for two years straight that psychology drives the economy, and that a Master Persuader such as President Trump can directly influence psychology and optimism. We see him doing that right before our eyes.

At the same time President Trump is “talking up” our economy, he’s talking North Korea’s economy to ruin. If you own a company that is involved in smuggling with North Korea, you probably noticed that South Korea nabbed two tankers that satellite photos spotted cheating. That’s going to be a financial disaster for those shipping companies.

The psychology of the corporations involved in smuggling just changed, courtesy of the Master Persuader who has no intention of taking his boot off the North Korean economy until they lose their nukes. This approach is already causing North Korea to get flexible, at least in the talking sense.

Keep in mind that all of the personality negatives that are reflected in the old-timey presidential approval polls are exactly what is scaring North Korea into the arms of “good cop” South Korea. President Trump’s tweets didn’t cause a war; they caused North Korean flexibility, exactly as I predicted.

And if you are still worried about President Trump’s mental health, I’ll do a Periscope later today to tell you how badly the media has abused the public on that topic. For a preview, check out this interview that Dr. Drew did with Dr. Bandy Lee on her opinions of President Trump’s mental health. The media reported her as saying he was mentally unfit. That wasn’t the case. She has no professional opinion on the President’s mental capacity because she has never met him. Her primary concern is about societal violence as a result of his presidency. That is completely different from what has been reported all week. I nominate this story for the Fake News Awards. I think it can be a finalist.

You will enjoy my book Win Bigly because you enjoyed this blog post.


Posted 5:24 pm, 01/12/2018

this n that

Posted 5:09 pm, 01/12/2018



this n that

Posted 4:49 pm, 01/12/2018

So maybe Trump’s thinking that after the meeting we’re gonna get some sort of compromise everybody can work with, and they show up and they present him an absolute disaster of a bill. And the regular guy he is, he looks at it and says, “Why in the world…? Why in the world do you continue to want to flood this country with people who are not going to benefit the country?” You know, immigration… Every American policy we have is supposed to be rooted in improving our country.

Why do the Democrats insist on an immigration system that ends up being a burden to this country? That’s not what it’s supposed to be. And Trump looks at what they proposed and instinctively understood that this is rotten, that this is not anywhere near making America great again. Do the Democrats believe that only people in poverty, that only people from war-torn or tyrannical regimes…? Are they the only people that should be given preferential treatment to come to the United States? Is it because they’re the oppressed?

Remember, the Democrats want these people as voters. The Democrats need a permanent underclass.WOKE. Donald Trump is looking at all of this. Every bit of his agenda as aimed at making America great again. It’s not just a slogan with him. So when you strip away all the wording and all of the histrionics and this overblown and offended, “Oh, my God,” reaction to what he said… When you look at the substance… There’s a column here by Scott Greer at The Daily Caller. The headline is right on the money: “Trump Blows up the Immigration Debate with Just One Question �"

Black people are waking up. Dems need a new supply of obedient voters. They don't care a thing about these people in the way these hypocrites try to fool you. It's not about compassion, it's about VOTES. They NEED fresh supply of slave voters.

And black people will vote Trump next time. Mark it down.


Posted 4:48 pm, 01/12/2018


Pew study finds Rush Limbaugh least trustworthy news source

Rush Limbaugh Scores ZERO 'Truth' In Politifact Survey - His Pants Are Soooo On Fire



this n that

Posted 4:33 pm, 01/12/2018

Rush Limbaugh

They were feeling empowered after that meeting. They thought they had Trump at a weakened moment, and they show up and they present this to him. And his reaction, forget the word that he used, or is alleged to have used, the terms or what have you, you can have your thought on that or not. But his question to them was essentially, “Why in the world do you look at this issue as something that is not helpful to this country? It’s only helpful to you.”

And so the whole DACA deal is blown sky-high now, which is a good thing! And the whole idea that we’re gonna get comprehensive immigration reform someday soon, meaning amnesty for everybody, is blown to smithereens now, which is a good thing. Why is it that the Democrats want countries �" me rephrase it. Why is it the Democrats want and make the case for illegal immigration from impoverished countries? Do they not say, by virtue of the fact we need to let them here, and do they not say by virtue of we can’t deport them, are they not saying that their countries of origin are not worth going back to?

The Democrats do not want to deport them back to their original countries. Why? They’re war-torn. They are in strife. They are poverty racked. They are hellholes. They are places of tyranny and oppression. The Democrats do not want to deport them, they say, because they’re going back to absolute, horrible places.

Trump said, “Why do you want them in the first place?” And then he threw in “Why not people from Norway?” Well, of course that caused another conniption fit, because then the Democrats in the room, “A-ha. He’s a racist. He’s a pig. He’s a racist. We knew it.” And now they can’t stop talking about it. They offend me far more than Donald Trump does.

this n that

Posted 4:27 pm, 01/12/2018

Rush Limbaugh

I guarantee you the Democrats walked out of that meeting at the White House that was televised salivating. I guarantee you they walked out of that thinking that they were on the verge of getting a deal on two things: the DREAMers, the DACA kids, and comprehensive immigration reform. And, lo and behold, they show up at the White House yesterday with their proposal for a new DACA deal and it is the worst thing in the world. It is absolutely abhorrent. It is nothing that you or anybody with common sense would support.

And what did Donald Trump do? He blew the whole thing up with one question, with one question he blew it up. And you know what the question was? Forget the words used. The question was: Why do you people on the Democrat side want to continue to bring people to this country that are not going to benefit this country? Why instead do you not want to bring the best and brightest of the world to this country? Why is it that you think that we need to bring people to this country who are incapable of helping themselves?

And of course we know the answer. Because Jennifer Palmieri of the Center for American Progress let the cat out of the bag earlier this week by admitting something that we all knew, and that is that the Democrats’ version of immigration is all about securing additional votes. She let the cat out of the bag, and that’s what they were going up doing, and Trump knows it. That leaked memo from Jennifer Palmieri that DACA was key to the Democrats getting power back through elections.


Posted 4:27 pm, 01/12/2018

Conny pivots so hard I'm surprised he hasn't broken a hip.


Posted 4:21 pm, 01/12/2018

Read this before you answer, it just might could possibly even maybe enlighten your response.

Brown hands syndrome when the clintons got through with it. Every thing they touch turns to s***!


Posted 3:34 pm, 01/12/2018

Wasn't allthingshillary's brother involved in one of the family slush fund scandals in Haiti ?



Posted 2:16 pm, 01/12/2018

Wasn't allthingshillary's brother involved in one of the family slush fund scandals in Haiti ?


Posted 2:10 pm, 01/12/2018

Don't they still have slavery in some parts of Botswana ?

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 2:04 pm, 01/12/2018

Now that everyone on the left has had the time to attack Trump for his reported comment, does anyone actually believe that Haiti is NOT a S***hole?


Posted 12:22 pm, 01/12/2018

trump has chosen to be an Ahole.

sparkling water

Posted 12:06 pm, 01/12/2018

Botswana has summoned the US Ambassador to find out if they are a **** hole country.

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