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Trump decries immigrants from '****hole countries' coming to US

george h w b

Posted 10:39 pm, 01/11/2018

About some politician has the gonads to speak the truth. Democrats want the votes, Republicans the cheap labor and the peons want Welfare. Go Mr. President.


Posted 10:25 pm, 01/11/2018

Lock him up


Posted 10:21 pm, 01/11/2018

Go eat another trump terd sandwich .


Posted 9:50 pm, 01/11/2018

If I did want a terd sandwich I'd grab you and a loaf of bread...


Posted 9:37 pm, 01/11/2018

trump's best ..if he told you to eat crap you'd eat it and want more...


Posted 9:34 pm, 01/11/2018

I agree with the President. Why in the world would we want them?


Posted 9:05 pm, 01/11/2018

Trump has shamed our country over and over, and it gets worse every time.


Posted 9:03 pm, 01/11/2018

Someone should have shown this list to Trump:


The people from these "****hole countries" contribute billions, maybe trillions in tax revenue to our economy each year. Not to mention the technological advances.

Steve Jobs was the son of refugees (although not from Mexico), and the tax revenue contributed by Apple alone is enough to pay for all other immigrants combined.


Posted 9:02 pm, 01/11/2018

Donald is a small person. He does not have good character. Every time he opens his mouth, it is embarrassing.


Posted 8:55 pm, 01/11/2018

spark, what you mean is that Trump is willing to speak "alternative facts." (Kellyanne Conway, with a straight face and a twisted psyche.) I mean, surely you don't see him as truthful. But for some reason, truthfulness stopped being a concern when Trump became president. It's like, hugely, truth isn't important anymore, especially bigly.

sparkling water

Posted 8:48 pm, 01/11/2018

I am not always happy with Trump’s expression of the facts, but I am quite proud that he is willing to speak the facts. The empty rhetoric of the past 30 years has not served us well.


Posted 8:40 pm, 01/11/2018

I think it is safe to say that the Trump sniffers are proud of his latest remarks. But hey, Trump could rape your girls and you'd say that your girls asked for it.


Posted 8:34 pm, 01/11/2018

Anyone who agrees with trumps bigoted, racist remarks should be ashamed of themselves, Of course in their eyes trump can do no wrong., they agree with any sl*tty thing he says or does..

He has shamed our country .

sparkling water

Posted 8:14 pm, 01/11/2018

People are not trying to come to this country to improve our standard of living, but their own.

What they are keaving may indeed be crappy compared to what they are coming to.

The workd isn’t a kids soccer game and we are not all equal.


Posted 7:59 pm, 01/11/2018

Both LBJ and Truman were known for their scatological references, which liberal reporters found funny. Different set of rules for Republicans.


Posted 7:47 pm, 01/11/2018

Truth hurts but it's still the truth. Would anyone of you move to those countries. If so then move.


Posted 7:44 pm, 01/11/2018

trump is so much better then all of us. at least he thinks so


Posted 7:38 pm, 01/11/2018

"Moron" could be a poster child for that old Kodak film commercial ? "Show me your true colors..Let them shine" Reckon Moron's is " If ya ain't "white", ya don't belong....Real American


Posted 6:46 pm, 01/11/2018

Wonder if anybody will share how they picked their parents and where they were born ? ( I was'nt able too?


Posted 6:27 pm, 01/11/2018

President Donald Trump, using vulgar terms, rejected a pitch Thursday from a bipartisan team of senators on a compromise immigration deal to protect DACA participants while increasing border security.

"Why do we want all these people from '****hole countries' coming here?" Trump told senators in the Oval Office,

Neal Katyal, a lead lawyer in the travel ban cases, just reacted to President Trump's "****hole" slur.

“As I put the finishing touches on the travel ban brief to the Supreme Court tonight, the President’s words remind us again of how his un-American racist ideology impacts policy,” he said.

Katyal has argued that the travel ban reveals a discriminatory intent on the part of the President.

Comments like these are bigoted, ignorant & further embarrass our country around the world. @realDonaldTrump owes an apology to our allies & partners, hardworking immigrants, and the American people

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