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Turkey Hunter Killed


Posted 4:28 pm, 03/02/2010

HDS...there was alot of investigation that took place before Minton went into the property...and I agree that the baiting took place for a long time...to bad for Coffee....


Posted 4:25 pm, 03/02/2010

Dogbone guilt is a thing that will eat you up.The son-n-law and the grandchildren baited this land.Not that Mr.Coffey did'nt know.They had did this for years leading up to this and had run in's with the wardens and did it anyway.They baited leading up to this day and thats way Minton was there,and when one got cought he did what he was told and nothing happen.But when Mr.Coffey got cought he did'nt.Mr.Coffey and his son-n-law and grandson's are to blaim for his death,but they think if they can find somebody else at foult they will feel better,but it wont.Mark did what he had to do


Posted 4:24 pm, 03/02/2010

I hate people that break the laws of this state. I am a hunter that pays every year for my license and spend time and money to hunt LEGALLY!!!!...


Posted 4:24 pm, 03/02/2010

No TAKING over bait. It does not say no hunting over bait. Hunting over bait might be an attempt to take wild turkey which is a violation but the legal defenitions of take and attempt are very vague and most hunters who fight back in court usually win. Keep in mind there are a lot of game that can be taken over a bait pile at any time of the year.


Posted 4:18 pm, 03/02/2010

Restrictions It is unlawful to:
 Use dogs during the spring wildturkey season.
 Use pistols, rifles or muzzleloading rifle to hunt wildturkey.
 Possess live wild turkeys or live birds that are indistinguishable
from wildturkeys.
 Take wild turkeys from an area in which bait has been placed.
(An area is considered baited until 10 days after the bait has
been consumed or other wise removed.)

There is no closed season or baglimit.


Posted 4:15 pm, 03/02/2010

Checkout page 38 of NC Hunting Regs...NO HUNTING OVER BAIT....


Posted 4:05 pm, 03/02/2010

I have read it...I know what the laws are....lets say...dumb *** coffee was not hunting turkey from a stand...he was still hunting over a baited pile..your gonna tell me thats not illegal...you friggin retard!!!!


Posted 4:02 pm, 03/02/2010

Here is the entire book. You do not have to go to Walmart it is online. http://www.ncwildlife.org/R...Digest.pdf


Posted 3:58 pm, 03/02/2010

any Walmart in this state has a sporting goods sections that will provide you with a book that shows regulations for hunting...are you even a hunter?


Posted 3:56 pm, 03/02/2010

Prove it by posting the law. You can't because it does not exist.


Posted 3:54 pm, 03/02/2010

Neighbor your a retard....check it out...it is illegal in this state to hunt turkey from a TREE STAND and is also illegal to hunt turkey over bait...get educated on our laws...


Posted 3:49 pm, 03/02/2010



Posted 3:48 pm, 03/02/2010

Lets not make up violations here. Hunting turkey from a tree stand is not a violation in North Carolina.


Posted 3:41 pm, 03/02/2010

fact is the man was armed with a shotgun...loaded for turkey...hunting for turkey over a baited pile of corn ...from a treestand....that's two violations there..Minton's felt his life was at risk and Minton took the right course of action in his line of duty so he could go home to his family.


Posted 3:40 pm, 03/02/2010

LOL ....you guys sure compliment each other.


Posted 3:37 pm, 03/02/2010

This is from a written statement released to the paper. It was in black and white when the paper got it. Why would Minton lie about this? Did he kill an unarmed man?


Posted 3:37 pm, 03/02/2010

climbing down a ladder stand with a shotgun shows ignorance for a hunter....kinda like mr coffee...dumbazz...shows his intelligance...well it did... he is lucky lucky he did'nt shoot his self along time ago...


Posted 3:30 pm, 03/02/2010

Anybody who cant climb down with a gun cradled in his arm should'nt be in the woods hunting anyway.I've did it a thousand times


Posted 3:28 pm, 03/02/2010

You would think someone would have thought of a re-enactment.

In my experience, newspapers can be pretty bad about getting quotes right, so I never put too much stock in that either.

I bet it's hard to accept that Mr. Coffey's actions were as described. I also bet it's hard to charge someone with something without clear evidence and send them up the river the rest of their lives. Either way, it's unfortunate.

At least someone ensured Minton isn't at the same job anymore--correct? (Forgive me if that's a misstatement.)


Posted 3:22 pm, 03/02/2010

Maybe the SBI could do a reinactment of someone decending from a tree stand with a shotgun cradled in thier arms. It seems anyone with any common sense would conclude this is a lie and if this is a lie then what else is a lie. Every person connected with this killing that gets a government paycheck should be ashamed of themselves for not having the brains to know when a statement is a lie That statement is an impossibility and therefore is a lie.

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