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Viva Mexico NightClub on 115


Posted 10:53 am, 08/28/2012

By the way...lady...i was not speaking against you, or calling you a name. I was correcting someone else's misuse of a word, so you can stay the **** out of my pm


Posted 10:44 am, 08/28/2012

rh1962 (view profile)Posted 10:40 am, 08/28/2012
Putas...puntas are bridges


Posted 10:40 am, 08/28/2012

Putas...puntas are bridges


Posted 10:21 am, 08/28/2012

Jesus rollerskating Christo.

Two things.
1. Whoever called Coleman a hippie must have been drunk.

2. All bars in wilkes are full of robust trashy women. Your lucky if there is one attractive and respectable female.

That bar is simply a reflection of the county in which we reside.
Soak it up puntas.


Posted 10:03 am, 08/28/2012



Posted 8:40 am, 08/28/2012

If so u fit right in you look like a dump yourself


Posted 8:38 am, 08/28/2012

you know why you started the threads because you are a low down piece of no good trash. You came to that club and brought alcohol in there in your purse and got mad because the owner poor it out and threw your a...s out the door that is your problem and you say they stole 200.00 u didn't have a penny that is why you brought your big suitcase in there with alcohol. Ans another thing you got your butt ban from the round up the same night..you called it a dump if so what the hello was you doing there?


Posted 8:01 am, 08/28/2012

ok!... you are pathetic and racist (at least you admit it )
i am Evil and racist (i hate the human race)


Posted 6:49 am, 08/28/2012

Why in the hello did I start this thread?.... oh yea.. cause im pathetic and racist


Posted 6:38 am, 08/28/2012

Oh please... I don't care what race you are, or if you weigh 98lbs or 198 lbs, when you dress like some of those women, someone is probably going to call you trashy. Big women can be sexy without looking trashy...anyone ever checked out Adele? Beyond that, when you go out of the night, and it's possible that pictures might be taken, it's good to wash your hair. Just sayin'.


Posted 5:09 am, 08/28/2012

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for personal attacks.


Posted 4:38 am, 08/28/2012

I'm not downing these people for having a good time. All I'm saying is that they could display a little more respect for themselves. You've also not seen me saying anything about the race issue, because to me, it's not a race issue, it's a self respect issue. It's not a place that I would feel comfortable in. Period.

Note from GoWilkes: a portion of this post was removed that was in response to the earlier personal attacks.


Posted 4:23 am, 08/28/2012

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for personal attacks.


Posted 4:06 am, 08/28/2012

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a big woman. I'm no Skinny Minnie myself. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with loving yourself as you are.

The point being made here is that... well, a lot of those pictures ARE trashy. Those women are displaying NO respect for themselves and it's sad.

And no offense, but from what I can see in the pictures, the place itself just looks dirty... grimy. Just not a place that I would want to go. But, to each his own.


Posted 10:13 pm, 08/27/2012

Cat fight


Posted 10:11 pm, 08/27/2012



Posted 10:10 pm, 08/27/2012

I only want to turn on attractive, white, men, ok....I don't have to bear all to do that!


Posted 10:08 pm, 08/27/2012

Someone's been playing with the stupid stick again and hit themselves in the head... tsk tsk...


Posted 10:06 pm, 08/27/2012

i know enough you are the trash not fat woman


Posted 10:05 pm, 08/27/2012

no one has sent me any hate mail today.

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