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Viva Mexico NightClub on 115


Posted 3:30 pm, 08/29/2012



Posted 2:38 pm, 08/29/2012

can't* open a business.


Posted 1:59 pm, 08/29/2012

HAHA! Well.. might fine business owner she is. You can open a business in WILKES COUNTY and post a picture of a rebel flag with the letter "banned" over it without pissin off a whooole lot of people.. I thought it was over and done until I checked my messages today. Obviously the only time she works is at the bar at night, so she has all day long to sit on GoWilkes and cuss people out for talking about her bar.


Posted 1:47 pm, 08/29/2012

@rh1962 and ARN LOLOL


Posted 1:33 pm, 08/29/2012

she pm'd me, and i told her to **** off


Posted 1:32 pm, 08/29/2012

yes, she made sure I knew I wasn't smart, and let me know I needed jesus....now that I think about it, wonder if she meant Jesus or heyzeus??? lol


Posted 1:31 pm, 08/29/2012

Unlucky don't feel special I think she pm'ed everybody LOL


Posted 12:37 pm, 08/29/2012

It was dead for almost 24 hours


Posted 12:28 pm, 08/29/2012

Now excuse me while I go earn a living the old fashion way. The way that most American Citizens do.. with HARD WORK AND DETERMINATION!!!! thank you, come again.


Posted 12:24 pm, 08/29/2012

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for libel and personal attacks.


Posted 12:20 pm, 08/29/2012

It's baaaaccckkkk!


Posted 12:16 pm, 08/29/2012

@Lady001.. instead of sending a PM like you did me and being a ignorant child.. I will tell you what I have to say in front of everyone. My life does NOT revolve around this thread. I DONT CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!! But I believe I will call you out on ONE thing. The fact that you called ME trash and then threatened me in the same sentence?? YOU'RE ON GO WILKES?? Your threats are just a font on a screen to me. BUT they are saved and will be seen by a lot of people.. you are talking down about me for making fun of the way you run your business yet you THREATEN ME ON GOWILKES?? grow up. your not 12 anymore. I DONT HAVE TO MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A IDIOT, YOU ARE DOING A FINE JOB YOURSELF!!!


Posted 3:19 pm, 08/28/2012


Posted 3:03 pm, 08/28/2012

It was never my intention to put anyone down, but I do see how it came across that way. I do apologize for that, because as long as someone feels good about themselves, it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks about how they dress, etc.

But, I will stand by my decision to not visit this establishment. It does not appear to be a place that I personally would feel comfortable in, but just because it isn't for me, doesn't mean that it isn't perfect for someone else.

With that being said, I will quietly bow out of the conversation. I wish the business owners well and as long as there are no problems with the place, hopefully they'll make a nice living off of their endeavor. Good luck to all, and for those of you who do frequent the place, have fun and stay safe.


Posted 3:00 pm, 08/28/2012

Thanks so much


Posted 2:54 pm, 08/28/2012

lady001: Good point.


Posted 2:49 pm, 08/28/2012

Like Satan I too would pick on whoever it was. But Lady, you are correct, everyone needs somewhere to go, and cudos to you for keeping the troublemakers out and laying the law down. Good luck.


Posted 2:41 pm, 08/28/2012

i dont discriminate ... wanna make fun of the people that go to the Elks club


Posted 2:33 pm, 08/28/2012

I don't understand what the problem is with all these people. It is very simple if you don't like the place don't
go it is no different then finding a church you like just because you don't like the church are you going to talk about how they dress if they are fat or skinny or Hispanic or wear to much makeup. This is not right I am American person and I believe where ever i chose to go and what i chose to wear is my freedom. You all have total disrespected people on here. Yes they are more classic club but that is there kind of place fancy or not they enjoy it. It might not be fancy, But you know what they have a good time and enjoy there self there. What other place are they to go what else are they to do? We have Shooters, Roundup. I am not going to put them places down. because I feel if that is where they want to go then it is there choice. We have nothing here . So I am asking you kindly please Dont sit and put a place down just because of the kind of people that go there maybe they don't feel confortable going else where maybe they like the Hispanic and the blacks. I am not racial they are good and bad in all of us. They are a lot of good people that go there and I am sure some is not so good..But I don't judge the book by it cover and you should not ether.


Posted 2:33 pm, 08/28/2012


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