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Posted 2:51 pm, 03/31/2017

Casting stones from a glass house.

Transparently obtuse.


Posted 8:48 am, 03/11/2017

We really can't make this stuff up:

What a difference from when she led the passage of bho'bummercare.

Is this a flip or a flop? Probably a flop!


Posted 12:56 am, 03/11/2017

Is ninny expressing loser's remorse?

Does she really want folks to believe she would have vacated her recently re-elected office and given up minority leader?


Posted 2:48 pm, 03/08/2017

Can you imagine a Mr Pelosi?


Posted 1:13 pm, 03/08/2017

The chaos is in the WH. I'm waiting for the SNL Republican movie to come true, TBD.


Posted 1:12 pm, 03/08/2017

Now ninny nancy is blaming the chaos of the liberal/left/losers on our President.

This is like Babs saying he's forcing her to overeat.


Posted 12:36 pm, 03/07/2017

( Are )


Posted 12:31 pm, 03/07/2017

What did Ninny trump say today ?? He's very afraid that all the lies he's told is catching up to him.


Posted 12:27 pm, 03/07/2017

Now she is claiming not to have been at a meeting with the Russian ambassador that she attended.

What a face!

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 7:56 am, 03/07/2017

The brown streaks are from kissing Obama's a**


Posted 7:55 am, 03/07/2017

CONRAD, "weird brown streaks" sign of the beast?


Posted 7:18 am, 03/07/2017

She was against town hall protests before she was for them.

I would still like to know what those weird brown streaks on her forehead are for?


Posted 9:46 pm, 03/05/2017

I think Nancy sleeps with Russians.


Posted 9:43 pm, 03/05/2017

AND today, the AP reported she said this:

The top House Democrat says it's "just ridiculous" for President Donald Trump to claim that former President Barack Obama would ever have ordered any wiretap of an American citizen.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi says "we don't do that" and she calls the charge a "smear."

The White House now wants Congress to investigate whether executive powers were abused in connection with the 2016 election.

Pelosi tells CNN's "State of the Union" that Trump is following the playbook of making something up, having the media report it and then saying everybody is writing about it.

The California Democrat says that's "a tool of an authoritarian" - to always having people "talking about what you want them to be talking about."

I'm sure liberal/left/losers think this makes a lot of sense.


Posted 1:06 am, 03/02/2017

Once again ninny says a lot of words without ever saying anything.

This time she spurts that a path to citizenship is not respectful to illegals.

Hey nan, we already have a path to citizenship, its called naturalization.

Scan their retinas and tell them to go to the end of the line.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 6:03 pm, 03/01/2017

This thread could go on forever:

Nancy to Democrats:

"Treat Trump voters like a friend whose boyfriend is a jerk"

She is such a hateful old bitty.


Posted 9:17 pm, 02/27/2017

More preaching to the choir today at the National Press Club when ninny shared her scientific and methodical opinion.

She used a lot of words to tell us they don't have a case.

Did Maxine put her up to this?


Posted 8:42 pm, 02/22/2017

This from last Friday while preaching to the choir.

AND the liberal/left/losers gave her a standing ovation for this drivel.


Posted 12:19 pm, 02/18/2017

The new Congress started 45 days ago � and hasn't spoken out against President Trump's .

Hey nan, It's not a ban on muslims.


Posted 11:24 am, 02/17/2017

AND now this nincompoop says Trump isn't spending money that we don't have fast enough.

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