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what kind of I.Q. test do Republicans have to take...


Posted 9:17 pm, 10/06/2012

Can one not believe in both creationism and evolution? Could the evolution of living beings not be guided by the hand of God? There are so many variables that had to be just so for life to develop, that i just cannot see it as being a random set of occurrences. IMO evolution is God progressing his plan for us. He is the potter and we are as clay. Under his hands we are forever progressing and there fore evolving.


Posted 9:16 pm, 10/06/2012

I have never had a flu shot and have never had the flu. Now how in the **** do you come up with this crap about vaccines now???? I cannot help that you do not believe that GOd could create something so infinite as the human body, that is sad. But on the other hand, so how do you explain that the people in the 1800's and even earlier, all the way to the Cowboys and INdians survived without these "vaccinations?"


Posted 9:13 pm, 10/06/2012

nope... they evolved. They live with modern day technology about 14 miles from me. They even have a 60 inch television that brings images through the air and collects them on a screen for their enjoyment.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 9:12 pm, 10/06/2012

If it weren't for evolution my family would not be here??? How do you figure that??

Because if evolution is a fraud, there would be no way for the vaccines to strengthen the body. There would be no way for the body to accept the vaccine, and no way for the body to be able to fight a disease once you did take a vaccine for it.

You know you have to go get a flu vaccine every year, correct?


Posted 9:10 pm, 10/06/2012

Muse, I think you would have a better case of suing your parents and suing them for your lack of understanding the inevitable. But then again, maybe your parents were a raptor and maniraptors
and they can no longer be found, because they just suddenly disappeared!!


Posted 9:10 pm, 10/06/2012

Your family is here in SPITE of evolution.


Posted 9:08 pm, 10/06/2012

Prank Call Of Cthulhu (view profile)

Posted 9:01 pm, 10/06/2012

And to think..... if it wasn't for evolution, your family wouldn't be here at all as they would have all died out due to no vaccines working.

If it weren't for evolution my family would not be here??? How do you figure that?? JUst because your family came from "raptors" that turned into frogs, then into storks, then into fish, then into piles of crap that the catfish ate, and then into reeds along the pond bank and then into a floating seed that landed on a dogs arse and he licked it off, and then it came out in the dogs crap which happened to land on a grasshopper which then turned into boobie trap for a chicken, then turned into a meal for a fox, which then turned into a cap for a cave man which was then used as a rubber to catch the seed that begat your family, DOES NOT MEAN MY FAMILY CAME FROM SUCH A CATASTROPHIC TURN OF EVENTS.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 9:06 pm, 10/06/2012

Evolution funny got to have a beginning oh big bang out of Nothing .It just happened and the bang gave off so much heat that it made all types of material iron,copper,gold,silver,dirt etc ..then some how it started making gravity twisting and turning everything .

Then explain the concept of infinity. I know this is a sore point for most Christians, but if everything has to have a beginning, I'm sure you can inform us.

In the Beginning God Created the Heaven and the Earth

And you are contradicting yourself. If everything has to have a beginning, then at what point does God pop into existence? You have your own big bang theory for that, and we're supposed to believe that God just appeared, but the universe didn't.


Posted 9:06 pm, 10/06/2012

For letting you down on your education. For not properly preparing you to live in a world full of facts and science. For promising you something in religion that they could never deliver. For misinforming you about the world you live in.


Posted 9:03 pm, 10/06/2012

Sue my parents?? Pray tell me why Muse????


Posted 9:01 pm, 10/06/2012

I'd definately sue my parents if I were you redzone.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 9:01 pm, 10/06/2012

And to think..... if it wasn't for evolution, your family wouldn't be here at all as they would have all died out due to no vaccines working.


Posted 9:00 pm, 10/06/2012

Evolution funny got to have a beginning oh big bang out of Nothing .It just happened and the bang gave off so much heat that it made all types of material iron,copper,gold,silver,dirt etc ..then some how it started making gravity twisting and turning everything .Then it get real good.It make a big ball that burns so hot that its heat destroys objects as they pass but it don't burn up and then it made more what they call planets then by chance 1 started its own orbits and then pulled itself apart and shot out the moon .and then and then .

In the Beginning God Created the Heaven and the Earth..


Posted 8:59 pm, 10/06/2012

I am just glad that my family's genealogy is human kind, not some form of "raptor" turned into a bird, that flew into a frenzy, and ran into a mountain and turned into a little human baby with wings, but found out that the wings were of no use, so turned around and ate its own wings, and once digested, caused hands and legs to grow and then when it realized the beak was of no use, it scratched and scratched away on a rock till the beak turned to lips, cause, the beak was of no use now, since it had hands, and then it walked around in circles waiting on another "raptor" to hit the wall so it could watch and hope it would do the same thing it did, so it could have a friend and to just hope that it would be a female, so they could reproduce other "things!!"


Posted 8:58 pm, 10/06/2012

Were you born in Palm Beach County, Florida?


Posted 8:52 pm, 10/06/2012

I am not in Millers Creek and am not from there. I was actually born in Florida, and have traveled all over the world and been to multiple states across America, and I must say, people like you screenname, give Wilkes County a bad name. I am glad I no longer reside there.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 8:50 pm, 10/06/2012

I have always believed in the Bible and God's creation of the universe and all that lives therein. Call me stupid, call me what you will, I dont care. It will not change my beliefs.

And what if evolution is part of God's plan?

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 8:49 pm, 10/06/2012

and you mention dinosaurs... did Adam and Eve have to run from them? LMAO

You mean baby Jesus didn't ride a raptor into town to battle Obama and the evil Islam empire?


Posted 8:49 pm, 10/06/2012

You can believe what you will, and I will what I will. I dont care!! I have always believed in the Bible and God's creation of the universe and all that lives therein. Call me stupid, call me what you will, I dont care. It will not change my beliefs.


Posted 8:48 pm, 10/06/2012

not just humors, but ODDLY humors....

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