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what kind of I.Q. test do Republicans have to take...


Posted 9:40 pm, 10/06/2012

Blah, blah, blah, don't like science, then be Amish.


Posted 9:40 pm, 10/06/2012

The bible didn't prove any of that either, Michael...


Posted 9:39 pm, 10/06/2012

The Bible does not need science to prove it...... Look around you!! You actually think that the four seasons would happen just out of nothing, You think that birds would migrate year after year, out of nothing?? You think that the birthing process would even exist out of nothing?? The list could go on and on!! Its funny that things that take common sense to see are not seen and things that take a scientific explanation can be seen as real by some. Common sense is just not so common anymore.


Posted 9:39 pm, 10/06/2012

Ok. glad that's settled.....

So, back to the Republicans... lol


Posted 9:37 pm, 10/06/2012

Prank Call Of Cthulhu (view profile)

Posted 9:26 pm, 10/06/2012

I'm saying God has Always been here there everywhere..Yall smart people tell me to believe that the world was made out of nothing ..ok big bang ..out of nothing..In the Beginning God Created, See Already Here ...BANG..Because it can be proven. It has been proven. There is a ton of evidence to prove Big Bang. Hubble's law proven, cosmic radiation, etc.

You can't say the same for God. A book written by man.

See the difference?

OM word science has never and will Never prove Evolution.Air,evolution? water? Sunlight? Darkness? growing season .,trees,grass?Been prove BULL CRAP...Something out of NOTHING..look around did evolution stop .ape and man..where? half ape half man. half turtle half frog? Taking God out of your edumacation don't make it SO.God made all


Posted 9:35 pm, 10/06/2012

You are missing my point......These vaccinations were made by man with a brain that God gave them. Not some intelligent "raptor" turd that is still lodged in someone's head. This has no proof or holds no ground to your beliefs on evolution. TRY AGAIN, and by the way, I love math, that is probably why I have a masters in accounting. TY


Posted 9:35 pm, 10/06/2012

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 9:33 pm, 10/06/2012

I'm saying God has Always been here there everywhere..Yall smart people tell me to believe that the world was made out of nothing ..ok big bang ..out of nothing..In the Beginning God Created, See Already Here ...BANG..Because it can be proven. It has been proven. There is a ton of evidence to prove Big Bang. Hubble's law proven, cosmic radiation, etc.
You can't say the same for God. A book written by man.

See the difference?

So you will believe one man and not the other!!! If you say man wrote the Bible, aint Hubble a man!! The Bible was written through man from God.

Hubble's law can be proven with the scientific method. The bible can not.

Can you see what the common factor here is?

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 9:32 pm, 10/06/2012

People still die of these diseases today dumbarse, with all these vaccinations. Look at the recent Meningitis

outbreak......Vaccines and all......DUH!!! You have no point here buddy, NONE!!

And that proves natural selection. I know you don't understand science, and are afraid of math, but let me break this down for you so you can understand.

A person takes a vaccine. The vaccine then shares a genetic code with the human body. 99% of the organisms designed to be killed off are. The rest then develop an immunity to that particular code of antibiotic.

That's evolution. As far as the meningitis outbreak, it's the same reason the flu comes back and gets people sick. Some diseases will form an immunity quicker than we can keep up with making the vaccines.

This isn't rocket science. If you honestly don't know, I can point you to some places so you can read up on how the process actually works.

Or you could pick up a high school biology book.


Posted 9:31 pm, 10/06/2012

Prank Call Of Cthulhu (view profile)

Posted 9:26 pm, 10/06/2012

I'm saying God has Always been here there everywhere..Yall smart people tell me to believe that the world was made out of nothing ..ok big bang ..out of nothing..In the Beginning God Created, See Already Here ...BANG..Because it can be proven. It has been proven. There is a ton of evidence to prove Big Bang. Hubble's law proven, cosmic radiation, etc.

You can't say the same for God. A book written by man.

See the difference?

So you will believe one man and not the other!!! If you say man wrote the Bible, aint Hubble a man!! The Bible was written through man from God.


Posted 9:30 pm, 10/06/2012

redzone: You said it perfectly: You choose to believe in God and his creation......

Your belief doesn't have to be in conflict with evolution. The two things COULD work together.

About being smart: I don't think it matters whether or not you have multiple degrees. We all do need to be life-long learners, though. Otherwise, we're overlooking things that we might find to be fascinating and new.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 9:26 pm, 10/06/2012

I'm saying God has Always been here there everywhere..Yall smart people tell me to believe that the world was made out of nothing ..ok big bang ..out of nothing..In the Beginning God Created, See Already Here ...BANG..

Because it can be proven. It has been proven. There is a ton of evidence to prove Big Bang. Hubble's law proven, cosmic radiation, etc.

You can't say the same for God. A book written by man.

See the difference?


Posted 9:26 pm, 10/06/2012

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 8:49 pm, 10/06/2012

and you mention dinosaurs... did Adam and Eve have to run from them? LMAO

You mean baby Jesus didn't ride a raptor into town to battle Obama and the evil Islam empire?
Baby Jebus went to town, riding on a raptor. That some people actually believe that, is cause for so much laughter.


Posted 9:26 pm, 10/06/2012

People still die of these diseases today dumbarse, with all these vaccinations. Look at the recent Meningitis

outbreak......Vaccines and all......DUH!!! You have no point here buddy, NONE!!


Posted 9:24 pm, 10/06/2012

@lightning kat
A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.
God created us "in his likeness" and his likeness was perfect so there would be no need to be better. Sin is what has turned people to a "corrupt mind" to come up with ideologies that would deceive and therefore created a breed of heretic people all to the enjoyment of Satan. God gave us a mind and a thing called CHOICE, and what we choose to believe is what we choose. I choose to believe in God and His Creation of the universe and all living things, not some form of A BIG BANG or EVOLUTION!!

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 9:23 pm, 10/06/2012

I have never had a flu shot and have never had the flu. Now how in the **** do you come up with this crap about vaccines now????

Vaccines are a perfect example of natural selection. This is basic science. And if you want to try and pass off you have never received a vaccine in your entire life, I am going to call shenanigans on that.

I cannot help that you do not believe that GOd could create something so infinite as the human body, that is sad. But on the other hand, so how do you explain that the people in the 1800's and even earlier, all the way to the Cowboys and INdians survived without these "vaccinations?"

Sigh. Really? I am laughing hard. How do you think the Indians died from smallpox? Did God magically curse them?

White America

Posted 9:21 pm, 10/06/2012

Don't tell them there is a world out side of their own county. it will just confuse and enrage them..


Posted 9:18 pm, 10/06/2012

TheMUSE (view profile)

Posted 9:13 pm, 10/06/2012

nope... they evolved. They live with modern day technology about 14 miles from me. They even have a 60 inch television that brings images through the air and collects them on a screen for their enjoyment.

sounds to me that you have modern technology and evolution in a blender......What does a 60inch TV have to do with evolving......if you are stating that anything has evolved, ITS MODERN TECHNOLOGY!!


Posted 9:18 pm, 10/06/2012

Prank Call Of Cthulhu (view profile)

Posted 9:06 pm, 10/06/2012

Evolution funny got to have a beginning oh big bang out of Nothing .It just happened and the bang gave off so much heat that it made all types of material iron,copper,gold,silver,dirt etc ..then some how it started making gravity twisting and turning everything .Then explain the concept of infinity. I know this is a sore point for most Christians, but if everything has to have a beginning, I'm sure you can inform us.

In the Beginning God Created the Heaven and the Earth

And you are contradicting yourself. If everything has to have a beginning, then at what point does God pop into existence? You have your own big bang theory for that, and we're supposed to believe that God just appeared, but the universe didn't.

I'm saying God has Always been here there everywhere..Yall smart people tell me to believe that the world was made out of nothing ..ok big bang ..out of nothing..
In the Beginning God Created, See Already Here ...BANG..

White America

Posted 9:18 pm, 10/06/2012

Don't worry MUSE I am sure your remedial reading class will get up to speed..

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