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what kind of I.Q. test do Republicans have to take...


Posted 8:48 pm, 10/06/2012

redzone77 (view profile)

Posted 8:42 pm, 10/06/2012

And I guess, since Obama wants to push his Islamic religion to be taught in our schools and that it is a religion of peace, makes it so right??? NICE TRY Muse......

Where, oh where, do you IGNORANT REDNECKS, come from? Seriously - is there some giant slimy rock, up in Millers Creek somewhere, that all you rednecks crawl out from under, shortly after your mother-sister spreads her legs?
Sheesh, how ducking fumb can you people be?

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 8:48 pm, 10/06/2012

And I guess, since Obama wants to push his Islamic religion to be taught in our schools and that it is a religion of peace, makes it so right??? NICE TRY Muse......

Who said anything about Obama or Islam?

Are you seriously so far out of your realm that when you can't participate, you want to bring in President Obama.

Sad and pathetic.

Birds came from dinosaurs????? REALLY???? LOL>>>>>You are a joke!! I would much rather be a redneck and believe in Gods Creation of the world and all its being, than to believe in that crap you speak of.

You want to believe in something that can't be proven over something that has been proven? And you're calling him a joke?

So what's next? Next time you fall down, blame the Tooth Fairy instead of gravity?



Posted 8:47 pm, 10/06/2012

you find it humors and you have a BA?


Posted 8:46 pm, 10/06/2012

and you mention dinosaurs... did Adam and Eve have to run from them? LMAO

White America

Posted 8:45 pm, 10/06/2012

Well WG I hate to disappoint you. I have BA on my wall and Maters too...I dont bother putting too much effort into these post because, simply stated its not worth that level of commitment.. I laugh every time I see a post. I find the complete lack of critical thinking demonstrated here to be oddly humors...


Posted 8:44 pm, 10/06/2012

Birds came from dinosaurs????? REALLY???? LOL>>>>>You are a joke!! I would much rather be a redneck and believe in Gods Creation of the world and all its being, than to believe in that crap you speak of. I will be the redneck and you be the dumbarse.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 8:44 pm, 10/06/2012

I like it when I log onto the site and can spot the very moment when the discussion goes entirely off the rails.


Posted 8:43 pm, 10/06/2012

ignorance and hate together are a dangerous combination.


Posted 8:42 pm, 10/06/2012

There are museums full of skeletal remains, fossils, carbon samples, and scientific proof of evolution. Have you ever read a book on science or been to a museum? I have, as well as reading the bible and many text books based on fact. I see nature every day.


Posted 8:42 pm, 10/06/2012

And I guess, since Obama wants to push his Islamic religion to be taught in our schools and that it is a religion of peace, makes it so right??? NICE TRY Muse......


Posted 8:41 pm, 10/06/2012

redzone77 (view profile)

Posted 8:29 pm, 10/06/2012

and @muse2.

systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained throughobservationand experimentation.
Experimentation, key word here. So, have they seen monkeys turn human, and frogs turn to birds, and on and on???? I did not think so.
Well, the occasional redneck turning into a complete jackazz in a GW thread notwithstanding, there is evidence that modern day birds descended from dinosaurs. Of course, you being an ignorant redneck, are immune to such scientific truths.


Posted 8:40 pm, 10/06/2012

I never called anyone stupid until someone tried to insult me. I am not a punk, so dont try to push me in a corner. I can handle the debate, just not someone trying to bully someone around.


Posted 8:38 pm, 10/06/2012

So, if you think just because we teach evolution in all schools makes it right, then that is your problem. Not mine. I think the problem with certain people is that they just jump on the bandwagon and believe what they are taught because they are gullible. I on the other hand believe in the higher power and His creation. I see proof of His creation everyday. Of evolution, I SEE NONE!!! Show me one thing in this world, this very minute, that proves your Evolution. I guess I will say I am not GULLIBLE!!


Posted 8:38 pm, 10/06/2012

then redzone, if you can't handle the debate, don't make ignorant, blanket statements and cry victim when someone responds to them. Your calling people stupid and "illogical" is ok. but them calling you out on your stupidity makes you angry? Nice.


Posted 8:34 pm, 10/06/2012

this isn't a Harry Potter book redzone..... You don't flick a switch or wave a magic wand to turn anything into anything. Evolution is proven... that is why we teach it in our schools. ALL of the public schools in the great US of A teach evolution. Schools are those buildings that you seem to have dodged growing up. No western civilization teaches the 6 day magic wand theory of how the world was created. They all teach evolution because it is proven fact. You missed the bus dude. I'd blame your parents if I were you. Maybe you can sue them....

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 8:34 pm, 10/06/2012

Experimentation, key word here. So, have they seen monkeys turn human, and frogs turn to birds, and on and on???? I did not think so.

Do you think science is for monkeys turning into human?

Observation is the key word. Are Muse and I the only people on here who know what the scientific method is?

As far as what Muse posted, the original posting...

Religion has no place in our government. It has no place influencing the decisions of our lawmakers, and it has ABSOLUTELY no place in the committee that decides the educational and technological future of our country.


Posted 8:32 pm, 10/06/2012

Well, as the saying goes screenname, you just cant fix STUPID and that is all you buddy......


Posted 8:31 pm, 10/06/2012

Yeah, I am not a internet hero, and I have a record for fighting to prove it. I aint proud of it, but its there. I just hate stupid people that try to insult someone just because they think they are smarter or better than someone else. It really pisses me off and I am normally a very laid back guy......


Posted 8:30 pm, 10/06/2012

them's fightin words deadzone. You can't compete with your brain so you resort to violent threats? I bet your knuckles are raw from dragging on the ground.


Posted 8:29 pm, 10/06/2012

and @muse2.

systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observationand experimentation.

Experimentation, key word here. So, have they seen monkeys turn human, and frogs turn to birds, and on and on???? I did not think so.

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