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Why Did God Send His Son Jesus To The World


Posted 8:08 am, 04/10/2019

Jude (view profile)

Posted 12:09 am, 04/10/2019

So, why did he wait so long to save the world he loved so much???

John 3:

14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

15That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Numbers 21:9


Posted 7:56 am, 04/10/2019

Do you know what sin is?
Answer, disobedience to the Commandments of Jesus The CHRIST...period.

How did you discover what sin was? Jesus The Christ
Can anyone or anything make you go against your will? NO... Satan can only tempt you with the lust of the world to break the Words of Jesus.
Those people that don't keep his words are sinners. Those are the people came to Save not the Selfrightous religious Jew or Christian Jesus shows you how to return home to the Fathelr...Jesus said I am the Only Way.

John 8:51


Posted 7:07 am, 04/10/2019


Posted 12:07 am, 04/10/2019

God didn't curse Caanan Noah cursed his own grandson who possibly was the product of rape/incest. His son probably had no morals. Hence seeing his fathers nakedness. Hebrew interpretations differs from the bible loosely interpreted from one language to another.
The words perfect in his generations....racially clean did not marry outside his race/people. Still doesn't change the fact he grew a vineyard and got drunk not unlike the wicked people god chose to wipe out with the flood.

It must have stunk to high heaven with all the dead bodies of millions of people animals and all vegetation rotting away. A big burden for a half a dozen people to clean up.


Just curious. How many days according to the Biblical account was it from the onset of the flood until Noah and his family got off the ark? How much decomposition could have taken place during this time? BTW; Just to nit-pick-it was eight individuals, not six.

Also, in Biblical old English, the word perfect when used as an adjective refers to the concept of being mature. Bringing forth fruit to perfection (maturity) Noah was perfect in his generations. The usual exception to this is when the word perfect is used as a descriptor for God.


Posted 12:09 am, 04/10/2019

So, why did he wait so long to save the world he loved so much???


Posted 12:07 am, 04/10/2019

God didn't curse Caanan Noah cursed his own grandson who possibly was the product of rape/incest. His son probably had no morals. Hence seeing his fathers nakedness. Hebrew interpretations differs from the bible loosely interpreted from one language to another.

The words perfect in his generations....racially clean did not marry outside his race/people. Still doesn't change the fact he grew a vineyard and got drunk not unlike the wicked people god chose to wipe out with the flood.

It must have stunk to high heaven with all the dead bodies of millions of people animals and all vegetation rotting away. A big burden for a half a dozen people to clean up.


Posted 10:58 pm, 04/09/2019

The Bible tells us that Noah Was perfect in his generations. Noah was justified before God not because he was not a sinner like all the rest, he was justified by Faith in what God told him to do , just like Abraham after him. Today we are justified by Faith in what Christ did not what we have done.

9These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

After the Flood Noah did plant a vineyard and got drunk from the wine. There was no law then that said it was wrong to drink the fruit of the vine, and get drunk from it. There was God's own judgement for what Noah's son did to his Father.


Posted 10:23 pm, 04/09/2019

Noah wasn't so just or righteous of a man. After the flood he planted a vineyard, which leads to intoxication. Then curses his one son for his own self exposure while drunk. Yet, god found him favorable amongst all other men??? God was kinder to him than he to his son while he was intoxicated


Posted 10:12 pm, 04/09/2019

God could have done whatever he wanted at the time of the flood, except there was one man named Noah that was a just man. A righteous God could not condemn the righteous with the wicked, and still be righteous

Genesis 6:

8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

9These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

The Bible does not say that Noah's wife, sons or their wives were righteous, they were spared because of Noah


Posted 9:56 pm, 04/09/2019

Why, did god wait so long to send his son?
And really, what was/is the point. Christ's death was to atone for the original sin. But, why didn't god just wipe out all of mankind with the flood. Then start over. Since he already knew the outcome of the two in garden before they sinned. Why didn't he just make 2 different ones.


Posted 9:22 pm, 04/09/2019

smalltownman (view profile)

Posted 9:09 pm, 04/09/2019


Tell me and others what you think of John 3:16,17


Posted 9:09 pm, 04/09/2019

You would not have gotten along well with Jesus if you had lived then, He always spoke the truth something you have a big problem with.

Neither would you, 104, all you do is talk mean about anyone that questions your posts or calls you out on your hypocrisy and refuse to answer a straight question without ignoring the question and instead trot out some pseudo-religious hogwash.


Posted 9:06 pm, 04/09/2019

Here is why God sent his Son into the world, because he loves you.

John 3:

16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

You may be able to find condemnation in that somewhere, I can't possibly see it in these verses.

Now if you reject his great love for you, then you will see condemnation, it is not from him, is because you are already under condemnation, because you reject your redemption in Christ Jesus

18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

This is why those who love the darkness of this world get mad at God's Preachers who tell them the truth.


Posted 7:25 pm, 04/09/2019

So hebsibah, Why did God the Father send his only begotten Son into this world. You seem to know all about it so tell all who wants to hear.


Posted 7:08 pm, 04/09/2019

Hepsibah (view profile)

Posted 6:02 pm, 04/09/2019

1947, so how do you have time to condemn people? That's what you are known for on this site, as you know.

You would not have gotten along well with Jesus if you had lived then, He always spoke the truth something you have a big problem with.


Posted 6:02 pm, 04/09/2019

1947, so how do you have time to condemn people? That's what you are known for on this site, as you know.


Posted 6:00 pm, 04/09/2019

Some say they know, and every Born Again child of God does know. What about you, do you know?

Was it to teach us a better way to live, a way to follow God's rules more? Someone said that everyone knows, do you truly know why he came here and only stayed about 33 years before ascending back to his Father?

For those who think that everyone else is a sinner, and that you are not too bad, you need to know what the Law and commandments are saying to you and to all mankind. Because of Adam's transgression, all mankind is lost in sin, and needs a Saviour. As soon as you come to realize that it is you that is standing in need of the Saviour, then you will not have time to condemn anyone else, you will be dealing with the Lord Christ Jesus about your own needs. When that happens you will want to tell everyone who it is that has the help they need.


Posted 5:34 pm, 04/09/2019

shouldawouldacoulda (view profile)

Posted 5:25 pm, 04/09/2019

104godless talks about Christ a lot.
But he knows nothing about Christ.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing.

You sure are showing how much you know about him, if you did I am sure you would be telling everyone. And that would be great, too bad you don't


Posted 5:31 pm, 04/09/2019

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 5:12 pm, 04/09/2019

if you believe in Jesus why DON'T you Love Him and keep his Commandments. You hypocrite

For one reason there is only room for you being a hypocrite right now, you do not keep the commandments, only one who ever did, and that was Christ Jesus.


Posted 5:25 pm, 04/09/2019

104godless talks about Christ a lot.

But he knows nothing about Christ.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing.


Posted 5:12 pm, 04/09/2019


Posted 4:03 pm, 04/09/2019

Oh dear I forgot, mikey too...everyone has the "wrong concept of god" except you and mikey, my bad
goddess so now you make yourself a god with your own words. No matter what you say or 1047 if its NOT Biblical its a lie.
1047 if you believe in Jesus why DON'T you Love Him and keep his Commandments. You hypocrite.

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