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Moscow Mitch

Posted 7:16 pm, 06/02/2020

Move along. Nothing to see here.


Posted 6:47 pm, 06/02/2020

thug are you speaking as "poorly educated" as in maybe Deplorable"s???


Posted 6:42 pm, 06/02/2020

China has always lied to the world or someone has lied to the world about China. In the Trump world it is always someone else's fault. If not Hillary then Obama, if not them then China.


Posted 6:38 pm, 06/02/2020

To answer your first question anti, How, why did China withhold info and convince the WHO to Destroy documents relating to virus? And why are TWO Chinese Whistle blowers still missing today?? Sorry, put in form of questions, yet still relevant.....Second per-capita don't really mean much, thirdly, show us all a positive article Yahoo has given on current Admin.....


Posted 6:24 pm, 06/02/2020

so china lied to everyone and the republicans are mad.... trump lied to the American people and continues to lie daily and they don't have a problem. WOW!!!!! that's why frump loves you poorly educated.


Posted 6:22 pm, 06/02/2020

Because Drumpf need a scapegoat to blame for his incompetence.


Posted 6:20 pm, 06/02/2020

1. How does China "witholding information" in any way mean that we should withdraw from WHO?

2. If China withheld pertinent information, why did South Korea and Vietnam respond more quickly and have a fraction of the number of cases per capita?

3. Since when has Yahoo ever been accused of being biased?


Posted 6:16 pm, 06/02/2020

The spread of the virus in the US is Trump's fault. He dragged his feet claiming the virus wasn't serious. Now, Trump want to blame it on WHO and China.


Posted 6:14 pm, 06/02/2020

I could but then I would have to shoot you. You still want to know?


Posted 6:07 pm, 06/02/2020

OMG!!!!.... Tell us about your intelligence work in China .048, i know it's coming......


Posted 6:00 pm, 06/02/2020

This entire thing about China is just Trump attempting to deflect his own guilt.


Posted 5:55 pm, 06/02/2020

PG13, that's where the WHO supposed to handle matters, yet they were delayed.. Guess 40 million is more important than close to a half Billion??


Posted 5:50 pm, 06/02/2020

As a democrat, I say f.c.k china. America's response would have been better if you had told the truth. When did we start believing China though? What has happened? I feel so defeated and lost.


Posted 5:41 pm, 06/02/2020

I guess we are just going to have to put China in jail.


Posted 5:40 pm, 06/02/2020




Posted 5:28 pm, 06/02/2020

Yep that's true, yet still has the Tupadness to keep blubbering......


Posted 5:24 pm, 06/02/2020

On several occasions latelyy swucy has shown us it refuses to do the homework required before flapping its jaws; nothing new here!


Posted 5:21 pm, 06/02/2020

Was it a bunker report?


Posted 5:17 pm, 06/02/2020

Thank you Hiam, like i told swucy he just sees a thread and starts Blubbering out that mouth piece without even reading/or having read to him not knowing ANY content that may be within... Typical though.....

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 5:09 pm, 06/02/2020

Sounds like discontinuing the funding of WHO was a good idea. Glad we have a leader who pays attention

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